Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Cool Dream

Last night I had the coolest dream.  It was like I was in a ghost story, not a scary one, but an intriguing one none the less.  The funny part is at the end, Tom hanks was in it, and he played an important character.  Wow, it was so vivid, and so cool.  I woke up and kept saying get up and write to myself.  Well, I didn't listen to myself and there are holes now in my story, but I have written everything I remember and I think it is going to make a really good story.  When I am done writing and editing and perfecting it I will share it, or a little bit of it anyway, with you.

1 comment:

Boy said...

Kimberly I love reading your blog! You have such a gift with words. There are very few blogs, none really, that I read each post. However I not only read each of your posts but I eagerly wait for new ones and often find my self re-reading old ones. I am looking forward to reading the story of your dream!!!