Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Just Smile

Not everything in life is fun and you may have had a real crappy day, week, or even year.  Well, I know that you have to keep working to stay positive.  I got layed off on Friday from my job, I graduated from college a year ago and still haven't been able to find decent, steady, well paying work.  I haven't bought myself new clothes in...I can't remember...a year...2...3...I'm not sure.  I've had to be really frugal, I've had to make sacrifices, I have holes in all my clothes, lol.  Yes, sometimes that gets me down, but I'm ok.  I'm alive, I'm healthy, and I know that I will make it through this rough patch.  I have dreams and goals that inspire me and keep me going.  I know that it will all work out in the end.

Some of the things that I do to keep myself from breaking down and giving up are:

  1. writing in a journal
  2. creating small achievable goals
  3. walking for sanity, to clear my mind
  4. drinking 16 oz of water before each meal
  5. surrounding myself with humor and cute stuff (aka fuzzy stuff that makes you go awwww)
  6. surrounding myself with people I love (family/friends)
Well here are some things that I found today that made me smile:

Bulldog Kisses Orangutan

U-ZOO | MySpace Video

1 comment:

GM-Chugosh said...

I am so sorry that you lost your job. It sucks a lot. I sure hope that you will find something soon. Good job keeping your chin up.