Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Time to Give Thanks

I was going to individually thank everyone for all the big and little things they have done for me throughout my life. That seriously was taking forever, and I wasn't even a quarter of the way done when I decided that I needed to take a different approach. Just try to picture your own name in this message, because in a year or so I probably would have been done with an individual thanks for everyone.

I wanted to thank my family whom I love with all my heart for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for teaching me responsibility, love, integrity, and unity. I love each and every one of you, my sisters, my brothers, my mom and dad, my Grandmas and Grandpas, my cousins, my Aunts and Uncles; thank you all of you.

I wanted to thak my friends whom I love. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for your companionship. Thank you for helping me see the best side of myself. Thank you for not giving up on me, even when I should have called or written. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for all the time you have given to build and keep our friendship alive. Thank you for your strength, your courage, your honesty, your wisdom. Thank you for being a friend.

I also wanted to thank my teachers. I have had many wonderful teachers, whether it be from school, church, or the walk of life. Thank you Grandpa for teaching me your wisdom. Thank you Grandma for teaching your love. Thankyou teacher for teaching me a formal education. Thank you teacher for teaching me values. Thank you teacher for helping me build my future. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for investing your time in me. Thank you for helping me get my Associates degree. Than You for leading and guiding me.

Thank you all for walking beside me and helping me find my way.

I love you all, and as you can see, this thanksgiving I am thankful for you.

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